Activity, free things

“What’s In Your Purse” Game – FREE PRINTABLE

Looking for a game for your next Ladies Event at Church? I created my own version of the “What’s In Your Purse?” game as a free download and printable for you to use!

Hand each player one of these sheets, and a pen. When you say “Go!” each woman must rummage through her purse and check off as many items on the list as she has in her purse. They then total up their score – winner receives a prize 🙂

To save, right click on the image above, and “Save As”. It will print has a half sheet. If you’d like to save a full sheet, with 2 images on it, see below.

Although you could use this at any event, I tailored it with a few “church-y” prompts, such as:
10 points if you have a Church Bulletin
15 points if you have Gospel Tract…

*Feel free to use this game however you want, just please don’t sell my version*



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